Purple Wagon

CLIENTS! Are you impacting your marketers’ work?

Have you ever thought, as a client, that you might be impacting your marketers work?

You might not be doing it voluntarily, but the requests you make latently might be doing it.

Duh! Every marketer loves to get feedback on the service that they are providing. But the constant interference of you, my friend, as a client, in every step of the process or campaign, might restrict the productive outcome from the marketers’ side. More interference may lead to less interaction. We understand that the requests you make are because you want us to come up with out-of-the-box ideas, better outcomes, or solutions for the product or service on your end, but that might not help your marketer in every situation. The constant interference can lead to less interaction between you and your marketing provider.

A marketing agency puts its best brains and best work forward to elevate your product or service and make it visible to the crowd, which is constantly thriving for freshness and originality. Impacting your marketer’s work Creating a unique style and presenting your brand to the crowd is like throwing a party with amazing music for your marketer, and nobody likes a party pooper who is constantly asking you to change the music.

Try interacting instead of interfering:

Sit with your marketers, share your ideas, and ask for their ideas and their feedback on your ideas. Draw out a strategy together, impacting your marketers  work make a campaign together, and find the perfect solution for the pain point that you’re solving with new innovative ideas instead of asking them to come up with ideas that you want when you already have the ideas for solutions. Make a party with different genres of music so that every person in the room enjoys the music while in the room, regardless of the individual’s music taste.

Now let us take you through the rest of the blog with a wagon of quotes.

“The power has shifted to the customer, and it’s not coming back.” Geoffrey Moore

In the new world of social media and the scope of high-tech digital marketing, the power of marketing has shifted to the customer. Marketers are trying their best to meet the expectations and needs of their clients, who are already the kings and queens in their respective markets. All the marketers are trying to do is use the power that you already have invested in you and create something unique to make you visible in the crowd. With this being said, the marketing agency wants to work with you instead of working for you.

“A fair deal makes both parties unhappy.” – George R.R. Martin

This might be true when you apply it to many situations

in running a business. Take the example of you hiring a photographer for an event. Now let’s look at a short tale of him or her not delivering the “perfect quality” pictures: You hire a photographer; they give you a price for the project; you negotiate for the lower price point; they negotiate back because of the time and effort they are putting into it; they accept the project for the price point that you have set; they don’t put as much effort into editing and delivering pictures as they are not being paid ENOUGH for their work; and you don’t receive the “perfect quality” pictures that you’ve been waiting for. It’s a vicious circle of unhappiness in which none of the parties were satisfied with the outcome.

We are a HUGE believer in putting clients’ needs first and overdelivering. Yes, this means missing out on some profit and going out of our way to serve our clients without charging too many extra fees for every minute of little service. This has been the approach since day 1 of starting Purple Wagon and what we are instilling in all our agency team members above everything else.

“The work of art is a scream of freedom”- Christo

Impacting your marketers work Imagine creating an image that will etch itself into your client’s memory and haunt them till they get that phone out and call you.

Wouldn’t you want that to happen?

Now also imagine you constantly nagging in the ears of your marketers and compelling them to deliver the best services they can provide, when they are already trying to give their best.

Remember! Marketing is an art and art comes from freedom.

Something so important about art is, it allows us to communicate our feelings in a way that lets people who don’t necessarily agree with us see our perspective too. This can help people connect to others who don’t understand where they are coming from. That’s powerful. And as marketers, we are trying to do the same- making people understand your perspective and the perspective of your business. So now, this requires a little freedom for your marketers.

“Recruiting great marketers should be your number one priority.”- Kipp Bodnar

As someone who is thinking to expand your business and trying to get exposure, finding a reliable, affordable, and flexible marketing partner can be a difficult task.

At Purple Wagon, we are a crew of passionate storytellers, persistent search marketers

The logical business brains, out-of-the-box designers, and web and marketing experts who strive to elevate your brand to the next level of visibility. We are here to interact with every need that you have. Now a question might pop into your head saying ‘what’s in it for us?’ To answer that-

We combine our expertise, strong work ethic and proven project management skills to help you tackle your most pressing business and tech issues. Our track record and results oriented approach enable us to deliver the results your business needs. We would love to work with you in every step of building your business.

“The best marketing strategy ever: CARE”- Gary Vaynerchuck

Caring about the business, caring about your vision and mission for the business you’ve started is the top priority of a marketer. A beautiful way of caring is listening. And amazing things happen when we listen to our customers.

Listening to the client’s needs, prioritizing them according to the market’s needs, drawing out a strategy to make you stand out in the crowd, and increasing your visibility are all things that require work and time. Caring for you and your business inspires us to work more.

Purple Wagon, as a marketer, has always cared about the clients and what they had to say. We listen to you, your concerns and your ideas not only as a marketer but also as a friend who is trying to help you build your own business.


As a client, it is also your responsibility to give your marketer some space and time to work on your project and not impose an unnecessary burden on them by constantly interrupting their work. Sharing and interacting with your marketers about your ideas and thoughts on the service they are providing you might be a great help from your side. impacting your marketers work Respecting the price point for the service they are providing you with and negotiating significantly can motivate the marketer to work harder and provide you with the benefits that will satisfy both parties.

Finding a marketer who listens to all your needs and acts accordingly with reliability is hard to find in the recent times. Purple wagon is one such marketer with out- of-the box thinking, logical business brains, and marketing experts whom you can trust to build and expand your business.

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