Purple Wagon

Quality or Quantity of content

Quality or Quantity of content

Quality or Quantity of content

This has long been a hotly debated topic and a kind of biased one at that cause most of us fairly agree that quality matters way more than quantity. Any gym instructor will tell you that 10 perfectly executed push-ups will have a greater impact than 25 imperfectly executed reps. Which college professor enjoys reading an answer that comprises 4 pages but has no structure or process or a vivid line of thought that he can follow? He would rather grade a one-page answer which has a very crisp line of thought. Would a student prefer to study for 4 hours, the night before an exam with constant distractions or would he be satisfied with an hour with full concentration?

So does that mean that quality is better??

Certainly not!!

If a boy is really hungry and you offer him a cube of Swiss chocolate vs an entire bar of Dairy Milk, he might well go for the Dairy Milk chocolate. Would one rather have a large quantity of cheap disposable bags to throw the rubbish out each night or would one want to purchase a highly biodegradable waste bag that comes at 5 pieces a bundle at a hefty price? The final nail in the coffin…… Quality or Quantity of content Would you choose a thousand crumpled Rs2000 notes or a crisp brand-new Rs2000 note? Okay, now I’m biased.

Do customers actually like being sabotaged with zillions of advertisements for the same product? Or would they rather prefer a single advertisement that has a profound impact on them and one which they are not likely to forget for a long time?

Frankly, there is no right answer. One needs to figure out what works best for the product.

So what exactly is content marketing?

According to the dictionary, content marketing is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. Quality or Quantity of content It is highly dependent on social media and if done right it creates a buzz that ordinary marketing methods would normally not generate. Popular examples of content marketing done right are:-

Quality vs Quantity

Quality vs Quantity……This has long been a hotly debated topic and a kind of biased one at that cause most of us fairly agree that quality matters way more than quantity. Any gym instructor will tell you that 10 perfectly executed push-ups will have a greater impact than 25 imperfectly executed reps. Which college professor enjoys reading an answer that comprises 4 pages but has no structure or process or a vivid line of thought that he can follow? He would rather grade a one-page answer which has a very crisp line of thought. Quality or Quantity of content Would a student prefer to study for 4 hours, the night before an exam with constant distractions or would he be satisfied with an hour with full concentration?

So does that mean that quality is better??

Certainly not!!!

If a boy is really hungry and you offer him a cube of Swiss chocolate vs an entire bar of Dairy Milk, he might well go for the Dairy Milk chocolate. Would one rather have a large quantity of cheap disposable bags to throw the rubbish out each night or would one want to purchase a highly Quality or Quantity of content biodegradable waste bag that comes at 5 pieces a bundle at a hefty price? The final nail in the coffin…… Would you choose a thousand crumpled Rs2000 notes or a crisp brand-new Rs2000 note?

Let’s focus on marketing. Do customers actually like being sabotaged with zillions of advertisements for the same product? Or would they rather prefer a single advertisement that has a profound impact on them and one which they are not likely to forget for a long time?

Frankly, there is no right answer. One needs to figure out what works best for the product.

Type of marketing

According to the dictionary, content marketing is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. It is highly dependent on social media and if done right it creates a buzz that ordinary marketing methods would normally not generate. Quality or Quantity of content Popular examples of content marketing done right are:-


Coke’s “Share A Coke” Campaign

●       Hootsuite And A Game of Social Thrones

●       Microsoft And Stories

●       HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing

●       McDonald’s Question Time


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